搬迁 管理
Is your company planning a move to a new office or changing floors within the same building? Or is your company moving entirely remote, and ending the lease on your current office? It can be overwhelming to manage the many moving pieces associated with an office relocation.
在KGO, 我们的办公室搬迁管理团队将指导您完成规划, 协调和执行你的过渡.
搬到新办公室需要做很多耗时的工作. 这包括清除不再需要的365买球网, 包装和运输贵重物品, 评估家具, 以及关闭办公空间. All of this must be taken care of while continuing to maintain a high level of productivity in your company. 因为办公室搬迁管理很快就会变得复杂, 你需要一个有经验的专家团队.
We are experts in office relocation management in Washington, DC, Baltimore and beyond. KGO团队与公司合作制定搬迁时间表, 确定必要的支持和, 最重要的是, 为你的员工提供一个无缝的移动. 凭借我们的专业365买球, your company will adapt to your new space with minimal disruptions to your day-to-day workflow.
计划办公室搬迁可能非常复杂, 尤其是当你为一个大团队协调员工搬迁的时候. 搬迁 experts simplify this process and set your team up for success in your new office.
办公室搬迁专家负责你搬迁的每一个方面. 这使你的团队能够专注于你自己的工作. 从雇佣搬运工到清点家具以备重复使用, our relocation experts support your company throughout the entire process of the transition. 此外,我们会让您了解每一步的进展.
当您与KGO合作进行办公室搬迁管理时, 我们的团队将成为您房地产运营团队的延伸. 这使我们能够:
- Assess all components of your organization: We develop an office and employee relocation plan that best aligns with your company’s interests and goals
- Assist in evaluating existing 家具 for re-use: This drives significant cost savings for your relocation, 同时保持你的目标和效率.
- Provide clear and concise communication: Your employees are always informed about the move and are fully prepared in advance. 他们甚至可以在路上找点乐子!
Our team is equipped to support your company at various stages in the process of your office relocation. Here are a few examples of the relocation management services you can leverage:
Office relocations can get complicated fast because there is a lot of work to be done in a short window of time. With support from relocation experts, you will ensure no pre-move task is left incomplete. +, you can feel confident knowing that you have expert support should any surprises impact your office relocation throughout the process.
公司不会一时兴起就搬进新的办公场所. 他们经常搬家,因为以前的地方不再满足他们的需要. 我们和你一起找出你以前的办公室缺少了什么, 这样我们就可以设计一个空间来支持你需要完成的工作. Through identifying useful technologies or tailoring different spaces to unique functions, 我们帮助您建立一个适合您公司目标的工作场所.
布置办公室可能是一项重大投资, so we assess your current 家具 and identify what will be needed in your new space. 这使我们能够使用您已经可用的资源, 所以你只投资于你绝对需要的东西. 因此,你减少了浪费,节省了金钱.
+, the 家具 in your new office space will have a major impact on your team’s productivity. 我们的专家指定新家具, 清点现有家具以备重复使用, 并制定与组织目标一致的空间计划. 我们管理家具采购, 监督安装, 并通过搬迁后的占用协调所有的打卡清单365买球网.
To coordinate a successful office relocation, you need a trustworthy team of movers. Our relocation experts will work with you to identify any special support that may be needed to secure documents or technology during your move. 然后, we will collaborate to hire moving companies that can meet your needs.
- 行动前协调:在365买球网启动会议之后, 我们准备了一个主365买球网进度表, 搬家清单, 文件迁移计划. Everyone involved will know what’s happening, when and their role in the move. We work with your existing office and new space to pin down the seemingly minor details like where to park and which elevators to use.
- 家具协调:下一步, our relocation specialist will inventory the existing 家具 and work with you to determine what 家具 can be reused. 如果有任何现有的家具将不会搬迁到新的空间, 我们将安排捐赠的物品, 回收, 或处理掉.
- 员工敬业度:贯穿整个搬迁过程, 我们与您和您的团队保持沟通, 所以每个人都明白自己的角色. 这将包括编写和分发移动指南, 进度会议, 包装演示.
- Vendor Coordination: We will prepare RFPs for vendors needed for the relocation, 比如搬运工, 然后和你一起选择供应商.
- 包装:我们确保所有的东西都包装好,贴好标签,随时可以移动.
- 搬家监督:该搬家的时候, 我们专注于把每件事都安排到正确的地方, 这样你的员工就可以轻松地打开行李开始工作. We provide relocation specialists at both the origin and move destination to ensure a seamless experience.
- Post Move Support: KGO provides a help desk to support your team in the days following the move. 您在连接技术或定位任何物品方面是否有任何问题, 我们和你一起走好每一步.
过渡到一个新的办公空间是具有挑战性的, 尤其是当你面临大规模员工搬迁的任务时, 精简现有的办公空间, 或安全运输专用设备. As relocation experts, it is our job to make this transition as easy as possible for your team.
We have the experience and knowledge necessary to develop a thorough office relocation plan. 然后, 在整个计划的执行过程中, 我们的搬迁专家是您团队值得信赖的代表. 我们代表贵公司的目标和独特的办公需求工作.
在搬迁过程中是否会出现问题, 您的搬迁专家可以确定最佳解决方案. 在搬家的时候,有很多需要考虑的因素, including societal factors like supply chain delays and economic inflation.
Our relocation experts analyze challenges arising due to turbulent economic times and propose the best solutions to help your team save money and avoid delays. 做好问题发现和解决工作, so you can simply select the pathway that best aligns with your 预算 and goals.
Ultimately, relocation experts provide a smooth transition to your new space. 在我们的支持下, 你可以继续专注于你的主要业务目标, 以最少的员工中断和有限的停机时间.
一旦你决定转移你的团队, it is time to consult a team of relocation experts to begin planning the transition. Getting a relocation management team involved early ensures your company is moved in on time and has everything you need to achieve your goals. The more time you can offer your relocation specialists to plan for your move, the better.
If you are in need of support planning and coordinating your office and employee relocation to a new space, 我们来谈谈. 通过分享你的业务目标和工作优先级, our relocation experts will demonstrate how we can support you during your transition. 365买球,听听我们的计划,让你的团队, 家具 and equipment moved into your new office space on-time with minimal productivity loss.